Wednesday, May 16, 2012

CRM 2011 Available Plugin messages - Part I


  Every time when we register plugin we would like to know what are all the available messages that we can use for an entity right?. For the convinience i have posted all the available messsage which is been found from our CRM 2011 SDK.
Acutally we can find the messsages from sdk\tools\message-entity support for plug-ins.xls.
The messages below is based on CRM 2011 SDK version 5.0.10.

Part -1

Message Name Primary Entity Secondary Entity Message Availability Entity Supported Deployment
AddItem Campaign NULL Both Both
AddItem CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
AddListMembers List NULL Server Server
AddMember List NULL Server Server
AddMembers Team NULL Server Server
AddPrivileges Role NULL Server Server
AddProductToKit Product NULL Both Both
AddRecurrence RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
AddToQueue QueueItem NULL Both Both
Assign Account NULL Server Server
Assign Annotation NULL Server Server
Assign Appointment NULL Server Server
Assign Campaign NULL Server Server
Assign CampaignActivity NULL Server Server
Assign CampaignResponse NULL Server Server
Assign Connection NULL Server Server
Assign Contact NULL Server Server
Assign Contract NULL Server Server
Assign CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Server Server
Assign CustomerRelationship NULL Server Server
Assign Email NULL Server Server
Assign Fax NULL Server Server
Assign Goal NULL Server Server
Assign GoalRollupQuery NULL Server Server
Assign Incident NULL Server Server
Assign IncidentResolution NULL Server Server
Assign Invoice NULL Server Server
Assign Lead NULL Server Server
Assign Letter NULL Server Server
Assign List NULL Server Server
Assign new_customentity NULL Server Server
Assign Opportunity NULL Server Server
Assign OpportunityClose NULL Server Server
Assign OrderClose NULL Server Server
Assign PhoneCall NULL Server Server
Assign ProcessSession NULL Server Server
Assign Queue NULL Server Server
Assign Quote NULL Server Server
Assign QuoteClose NULL Server Server
Assign RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
Assign SalesOrder NULL Server Server
Assign ServiceAppointment NULL Server Server
Assign SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Server Server
Assign SharePointSite NULL Server Server
Assign Task NULL Server Server
Assign Template NULL Server Server
Assign UserForm NULL Server Server
Assign UserQuery NULL Server Server
Assign UserQueryVisualization NULL Server Server
AssignUserRoles Role NULL Server Server
Associate NULL NULL Both Both
BackgroundSend Email NULL Both Both
Book Appointment NULL Server Server
Book RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
Book ServiceAppointment NULL Server Server
Cancel Contract NULL Both Both
Cancel SalesOrder NULL Both Both
CheckIncoming Email NULL Both Both
CheckPromote Email NULL Both Both
Clone Contract NULL Both Both
Close Incident NULL Both Both
Close Quote NULL Both Both
CopyDynamicListToStatic List NULL Server Server
CopySystemForm SystemForm NULL Server Server
Create Account NULL Both Both
Create ActivityMimeAttachment NULL Both Both
Create Annotation NULL Both Both
Create Appointment NULL Both Both
Create BusinessUnit NULL Both Server
Create BusinessUnitNewsArticle NULL Both Both
Create Calendar NULL Both Both
Create Campaign NULL Both Both
Create CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
Create CampaignResponse NULL Both Both
Create Competitor NULL Both Both
Create Connection NULL Both Both
Create ConnectionRole NULL Both Both
Create ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode NULL Both Both
Create Contact NULL Both Both
Create Contract NULL Both Both
Create ContractDetail NULL Both Both
Create ContractTemplate NULL Both Server
Create CustomerAddress NULL Both Both
Create CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Both Both
Create CustomerRelationship NULL Both Both
Create Discount NULL Both Server
Create DiscountType NULL Both Server
Create Email NULL Both Both
Create Equipment NULL Both Server
Create Fax NULL Both Both
Create FieldPermission NULL Both Server
Create FieldSecurityProfile NULL Both Server
Create Goal NULL Both Server
Create GoalRollupQuery NULL Both Server
Create Incident NULL Both Both
Create IncidentResolution NULL Both Both
Create Invoice NULL Both Both
Create InvoiceDetail NULL Both Both
Create KbArticle NULL Both Both
Create KbArticleComment NULL Both Both
Create KbArticleTemplate NULL Both Both
Create Lead NULL Both Both
Create Letter NULL Both Both
Create List NULL Both Both
Create Metric NULL Both Server
Create new_customentity NULL Both Server
Create Opportunity NULL Both Both
Create OpportunityClose NULL Both Both
Create OpportunityProduct NULL Both Both
Create OrderClose NULL Both Both
Create PhoneCall NULL Both Both
Create Post NULL Both Server
Create PostComment NULL Both Server
Create PostFollow NULL Both Server
Create PriceLevel NULL Both Server
Create PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess NULL Both Server
Create ProcessSession NULL Both Both
Create Product NULL Both Server
Create ProductPriceLevel NULL Both Server
Create Queue NULL Both Server
Create QueueItem NULL Both Both
Create Quote NULL Both Both
Create QuoteClose NULL Both Both
Create QuoteDetail NULL Both Both
Create RecurrenceRule NULL Both Server
Create RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
Create Role NULL Both Server
Create RollupField NULL Both Server
Create SalesLiterature NULL Both Server
Create SalesLiteratureItem NULL Both Server
Create SalesOrder NULL Both Both
Create SalesOrderDetail NULL Both Both
Create Service NULL Both Server
Create ServiceAppointment NULL Both Both
Create SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Both Server
Create SharePointSite NULL Both Server
Create Site NULL Both Server
Create Subject NULL Both Both
Create SystemUser NULL Both Server
Create Task NULL Both Both
Create Team NULL Both Server
Create Template NULL Both Both
Create Territory NULL Both Server
Create TransactionCurrency NULL Both Server
Create UoM NULL Both Server
Create UoMSchedule NULL Both Both
Create WebResource NULL Both Server
CreateException Appointment NULL Both Both
CreateInstance RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
Delete Account NULL Both Both
Delete ActivityMimeAttachment NULL Both Both
Delete Annotation NULL Both Both
Delete Appointment NULL Both Both
Delete BusinessUnit NULL Both Server
Delete BusinessUnitNewsArticle NULL Both Both
Delete Calendar NULL Both Both
Delete Campaign NULL Both Both
Delete CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
Delete CampaignResponse NULL Both Both
Delete Competitor NULL Both Both
Delete Connection NULL Both Both
Delete ConnectionRole NULL Both Both
Delete ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode NULL Both Both
Delete Contact NULL Both Both
Delete Contract NULL Both Server
Delete ContractDetail NULL Both Server
Delete ContractTemplate NULL Both Server
Delete CustomerAddress NULL Both Both
Delete CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Both Both
Delete CustomerRelationship NULL Both Both
Delete Discount NULL Both Server
Delete DiscountType NULL Both Server
Delete Email NULL Both Both
Delete Equipment NULL Both Server
Delete Fax NULL Both Both
Delete FieldPermission NULL Both Server
Delete FieldSecurityProfile NULL Both Server
Delete Goal NULL Both Server
Delete GoalRollupQuery NULL Both Server
Delete Incident NULL Both Both
Delete IncidentResolution NULL Both Both
Delete Invoice NULL Both Both
Delete InvoiceDetail NULL Both Both
Delete KbArticle NULL Both Both
Delete KbArticleComment NULL Both Both
Delete KbArticleTemplate NULL Both Both
Delete Lead NULL Both Both
Delete Letter NULL Both Both
Delete List NULL Both Server
Delete Metric NULL Both Server
Delete new_customentity NULL Both Server
Delete Opportunity NULL Both Both
Delete OpportunityClose NULL Both Both
Delete OpportunityProduct NULL Both Both
Delete OrderClose NULL Both Both
Delete PhoneCall NULL Both Both
Delete Post NULL Both Server
Delete PostComment NULL Both Server
Delete PostFollow NULL Both Server
Delete PostLike NULL Both Server
Delete PriceLevel NULL Both Both
Delete PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess NULL Both Server
Delete ProcessSession NULL Both Both
Delete Product NULL Both Both
Delete ProductPriceLevel NULL Both Both
Delete Publisher NULL Both Server
Delete PublisherAddress NULL Both Server
Delete Queue NULL Both Server
Delete QueueItem NULL Both Both
Delete Quote NULL Both Both
Delete QuoteClose NULL Both Both
Delete QuoteDetail NULL Both Both
Delete RecurrenceRule NULL Both Both
Delete RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
Delete Role NULL Both Server
Delete RollupField NULL Both Server
Delete SalesLiterature NULL Both Server
Delete SalesLiteratureItem NULL Both Server
Delete SalesOrder NULL Both Both
Delete SalesOrderDetail NULL Both Both
Delete Service NULL Both Server
Delete ServiceAppointment NULL Both Both
Delete SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Both Server
Delete SharePointSite NULL Both Server
Delete Site NULL Both Server
Delete Solution NULL Both Server
Delete Subject NULL Both Both
Delete Task NULL Both Both
Delete Template NULL Both Both
Delete Territory NULL Both Server
Delete TransactionCurrency NULL Both Server
Delete UoM NULL Both Server
Delete UoMSchedule NULL Both Both
Delete UserForm NULL Both Server
Delete UserQuery NULL Both Both
Delete UserQueryVisualization NULL Both Both
Delete WebResource NULL Both Server
DeleteOpenInstances RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
DeliverIncoming Email NULL Server Server
DeliverPromote Email NULL Both Both
DetachFromQueue Email NULL Both Both
Disassociate NULL NULL Both Both
Execute NULL NULL Both Both
ExecuteById SavedQuery NULL Both Both
ExecuteById UserQuery NULL Both Both
Export NULL NULL Server Server
ExportAll NULL NULL Server Server
ExportCompressed NULL NULL Server Server
ExportCompressedAll NULL NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Account NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Annotation NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Appointment NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Campaign NULL Server Server
GrantAccess CampaignActivity NULL Server Server
GrantAccess CampaignResponse NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Connection NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Contact NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Contract NULL Server Server
GrantAccess CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Server Server
GrantAccess CustomerRelationship NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Email NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Fax NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Goal NULL Server Server
GrantAccess GoalRollupQuery NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Incident NULL Server Server
GrantAccess IncidentResolution NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Invoice NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Lead NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Letter NULL Server Server
GrantAccess List NULL Server Server
GrantAccess new_customentity NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Opportunity NULL Server Server
GrantAccess OpportunityClose NULL Server Server
GrantAccess OrderClose NULL Server Server
GrantAccess PhoneCall NULL Server Server
GrantAccess ProcessSession NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Queue NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Quote NULL Server Server
GrantAccess QuoteClose NULL Server Server
GrantAccess RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
GrantAccess SalesOrder NULL Server Server
GrantAccess ServiceAppointment NULL Server Server
GrantAccess SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Server Server
GrantAccess SharePointSite NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Task NULL Server Server
GrantAccess Template NULL Server Server
GrantAccess UserForm NULL Server Server
GrantAccess UserQuery NULL Server Server
GrantAccess UserQueryVisualization NULL Server Server
Handle Appointment NULL Both Both
Handle CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
Handle CampaignResponse NULL Both Both
Handle Email NULL Both Both
Handle Fax NULL Both Both
Handle Incident NULL Both Both
Handle Letter NULL Both Both
Handle PhoneCall NULL Both Both
Handle RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
Handle ServiceAppointment NULL Both Both
Handle Task NULL Both Both
Import NULL NULL Server Server
ImportAll NULL NULL Server Server
ImportCompressedAll NULL NULL Server Server
ImportCompressedWithProgress NULL NULL Server Server
ImportWithProgress NULL NULL Server Server
LockInvoicePricing Invoice NULL Server Server
LockSalesOrderPricing SalesOrder NULL Server Server
Lose Opportunity NULL Both Both
Merge Account NULL Server Server
Merge Contact NULL Server Server
Merge Lead NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Account NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Annotation NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Appointment NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Campaign NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess CampaignActivity NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess CampaignResponse NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Connection NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Contact NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Contract NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess CustomerRelationship NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Email NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Fax NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Goal NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess GoalRollupQuery NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Incident NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess IncidentResolution NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Invoice NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Lead NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Letter NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess List NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess new_customentity NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Opportunity NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess OpportunityClose NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess OrderClose NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess PhoneCall NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess ProcessSession NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Queue NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Quote NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess QuoteClose NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess SalesOrder NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess ServiceAppointment NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess SharePointSite NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Task NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess Template NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess UserForm NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess UserQuery NULL Server Server
ModifyAccess UserQueryVisualization NULL Server Server
Publish NULL NULL Server Server
PublishAll NULL NULL Server Server
QualifyLead Lead NULL Both Both
Recalculate Goal NULL Server Server
RemoveItem Campaign NULL Both Both
RemoveItem CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
RemoveMember List NULL Server Server
RemoveMembers Team NULL Server Server
RemovePrivilege Role NULL Server Server
RemoveProductFromKit NULL NULL Both Both
RemoveRelated Invoice Contact Both Both
RemoveRelated Lead Account Both Both
RemoveRelated Lead Contact Both Both
RemoveRelated Opportunity Account Both Both
RemoveRelated Opportunity Contact Both Both
RemoveRelated Opportunity Competitor Both Both
RemoveRelated Product Lead Both Both
RemoveRelated Product Competitor Both Both
RemoveRelated Quote Contact Both Both
RemoveRelated SalesLiterature Competitor Both Both
RemoveRelated SalesLiterature Product Both Both
RemoveRelated SalesOrder Contact Both Both
RemoveUserRoles Role NULL Server Server
ReplacePrivileges Role NULL Server Server
Reschedule Appointment NULL Server Server
Reschedule RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Server Server
Reschedule ServiceAppointment NULL Server Server
Retrieve Account NULL Both Both
Retrieve ActivityMimeAttachment NULL Both Both
Retrieve ActivityPointer NULL Both Both
Retrieve Annotation NULL Both Both
Retrieve Appointment NULL Both Both
Retrieve BusinessUnitNewsArticle NULL Both Both
Retrieve Calendar NULL Both Both
Retrieve Campaign NULL Both Both
Retrieve CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
Retrieve CampaignResponse NULL Both Both
Retrieve Competitor NULL Both Both
Retrieve Connection NULL Both Both
Retrieve ConnectionRole NULL Both Both
Retrieve ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode NULL Both Both
Retrieve Contact NULL Both Both
Retrieve Contract NULL Both Both
Retrieve ContractDetail NULL Both Both
Retrieve ContractTemplate NULL Both Both
Retrieve CustomerAddress NULL Both Both
Retrieve CustomerOpportunityRole NULL Both Both
Retrieve CustomerRelationship NULL Both Both
Retrieve Dependency NULL Both Server
Retrieve Discount NULL Both Both
Retrieve DiscountType NULL Both Both
Retrieve Email NULL Both Both
Retrieve Equipment NULL Both Both
Retrieve Fax NULL Both Both
Retrieve Goal NULL Both Both
Retrieve GoalRollupQuery NULL Both Both
Retrieve Incident NULL Both Both
Retrieve IncidentResolution NULL Both Both
Retrieve InvalidDependency NULL Both Server
Retrieve Invoice NULL Both Both
Retrieve InvoiceDetail NULL Both Both
Retrieve KbArticle NULL Both Both
Retrieve KbArticleComment NULL Both Both
Retrieve KbArticleTemplate NULL Both Both
Retrieve Lead NULL Both Both
Retrieve LeadAddress NULL Both Both
Retrieve Letter NULL Both Both
Retrieve List NULL Both Both
Retrieve Metric NULL Both Both
Retrieve new_customentity NULL Both Server
Retrieve Opportunity NULL Both Both
Retrieve OpportunityClose NULL Both Both
Retrieve OpportunityProduct NULL Both Both
Retrieve OrderClose NULL Both Both
Retrieve PhoneCall NULL Both Both
Retrieve Post NULL Both Server
Retrieve PostComment NULL Both Server
Retrieve PostFollow NULL Both Server
Retrieve PostLike NULL Both Server
Retrieve PriceLevel NULL Both Both
Retrieve ProcessSession NULL Both Both
Retrieve Product NULL Both Both
Retrieve ProductPriceLevel NULL Both Both
Retrieve Publisher NULL Both Both
Retrieve PublisherAddress NULL Both Server
Retrieve Queue NULL Both Both
Retrieve Quote NULL Both Both
Retrieve QuoteClose NULL Both Both
Retrieve QuoteDetail NULL Both Both
Retrieve RecurringAppointmentMaster NULL Both Both
Retrieve RollupField NULL Both Both
Retrieve SalesLiterature NULL Both Both
Retrieve SalesLiteratureItem NULL Both Both
Retrieve SalesOrder NULL Both Both
Retrieve SalesOrderDetail NULL Both Both
Retrieve SavedQuery NULL Both Both
Retrieve SavedQueryVisualization NULL Both Both
Retrieve Service NULL Both Both
Retrieve ServiceAppointment NULL Both Both
Retrieve SharePointDocumentLocation NULL Both Server
Retrieve SharePointSite NULL Both Server
Retrieve Site NULL Both Both
Retrieve Solution NULL Both Both
Retrieve SolutionComponent NULL Both Both
Retrieve Subject NULL Both Both
Retrieve Task NULL Both Both
Retrieve Team NULL Both Both
Retrieve Template NULL Both Both
Retrieve Territory NULL Both Both
Retrieve UoM NULL Both Both
Retrieve UoMSchedule NULL Both Both
Retrieve UserForm NULL Both Both
Retrieve UserQuery NULL Both Both
Retrieve UserQueryVisualization NULL Both Both
Retrieve WebResource NULL Both Both
RetrieveExchangeRate TransactionCurrency NULL Both Both
RetrieveFilteredForms SystemForm NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Account NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple AccountLeads NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ActivityMimeAttachment NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ActivityParty NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ActivityPointer NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Annotation NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ApplicationFile NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Appointment NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Attachment NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple BusinessUnitMap NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple BusinessUnitNewsArticle NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Calendar NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Campaign NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CampaignActivity NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CampaignActivityItem NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CampaignItem NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CampaignResponse NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ClientUpdate NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Commitment NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Competitor NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CompetitorAddress NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CompetitorProduct NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple CompetitorSalesLiterature NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Connection NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ConnectionRole NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ConnectionRoleAssociation NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple Contact NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ContactInvoices NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ContactLeads NULL Both Both
RetrieveMultiple ContactOrders NULL Both Both

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